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Safawai: Wrinkly & Sweetest


  • Taste & Texture: Safawi dates are sweeter and more flavorsome than Medjool dates. Chewiness varies with the date wrinkles: The more wrinkled the date, harder it is to chew.


  • Color & Size: Safawi dates are characteristically identified by their particular deep black cherry color with hints of brown and consist of medium and long cylindrical fruits.


  • Uses: Safawi addresses a lot of health issues including constipation, anemia, intestinal disorders and abdominal cancer. Safawi dates are often called nature’s own energy bar and therefore must be included in your daily diet. They contain nutrients such as calcium, iron, sulphur, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium have low fat and glycemic load and are 100% organic and vegetarian with no added sugar


  • Origin: These dates come from the Al-Madina region of Saudi Arabia, Packed with fibre, Vitamin C and iron.



Safawi Date Fruit

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